(Maak 2 x 250 ml bottels)
3 groot trosse rooidruiwe, gewas
2 e suiker
1 k witblits
Sny die druiwekorrels van die takkies af sodat daar net ʼn puntjie van die takkie aanbly. Prik die korrels so 3 keer met ʼn naald of tandestokkie en plaas in ʼn gesteriliseerde fles. Sprinkel die suiker oor en vul die fles met die witblits. Draai styf toe en bêre drie maande op ʼn koel, donker rak.
WENK: Om Boerejongens te maak, vervang die rooidruiwe met hanepoot -druiwe en die witblits met brandewyn.
(Makes 2 x 250 ml bottles)
3 bunches red grapes, washed
2 T sugar
1 k witblits
Cut the grapes off the bunch leaving a short stalk. Prick each grape 3 times with a needle or toothpick and place them in sterilized jars. Sprinkle the sugar over and fill with the alcohol. Close the lid tightly and leave in ‘n a cool, dark place for 3 months.
TIP: Make ‘Boerejongens’ by replacing the red grapes with Hanepoot grapes and the witblits with brandy.
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