450 g sagte margarine of botter
9 eiers
600 ml melk
3 t vanieljegeursel of ekstrak
6 k koekmeel
7½ t bakpoeier
knippie sout
3 k strooisuiker
voedselkleursel in verskillende kleure van jou keuse
400 g sagte wit margarine of botter
10 k gesifte versiesuiker
½ k water
4 t vanieljegeursel of ekstrak
Voorverhit die oond by 180 grade celsius en spuit 6 koekpanne met kleefwerende kossproei of smeer met gesmelte botter. Plaas die margarine of botter, eiers, melk en vanielje in ʼn groot mengbak en klits goed tot lig. Sif die meel, bakpoeier, sout en strooisuiker oor en klits 1 minuut tot goed gemeng. Verdeel die beslag tussen 6 verskillende bakke en kleur met verskillende kleure voedselkleursel. Giet in die voorbereide koekpanne. Bak ongeveer 30 minute of tot ʼn toetspen skoon uit die middel van die koek uitkom. Keer op ʼn draadrak uit en laat heeltemal afkoel.
Vir die versiersel, klits die margarine of botter tot romerig. Sif die versiersuiker lepelgewys by terwyl aanhoudend geklits word. As die mengsel te styf raak, gooi paar druppels water op ʼn slag by tot die mengsel romerig is. Gooi die vanielje by en klits weer goed.
Sny die verskillende koeklae gelyk sodat almal dieselfde hoogte is. Smeer die lae met die botterversiersel en ook die kante en bokant totdat die heel koek bedek is.
WENK: Gebruik hierdie resep om kolwyntjies te maak – giet die beslag in kolwyntjiehouers en bak 15 minute.
WENK: Gebruik hierdie resep om kolwyntjies te maak – giet die beslag in kolwyntjiehouers en bak 15 minute.
(makes a 6 layer cake)
450 g soft margarine or butter
9 eggs
600 ml milk
3 t vanilla essence or extract
6 cups cake flour
7½ t baking powder
pinch salt
3 cups castor sugar
food colouring in various shades of your choice
450 g soft margarine or butter
9 eggs
600 ml milk
3 t vanilla essence or extract
6 cups cake flour
7½ t baking powder
pinch salt
3 cups castor sugar
food colouring in various shades of your choice
Butter icing
400 g soft white margarine or butter
10 cups sifted icing sugar
½ cup water
4 t vanilla essence or extract
Spray 6 cake tins with cooking spray or grease with melted butter. Place the margarine or butter, eggs, milk and vanilla in a large mixing bowl and beat until light. Sieve the flour, baking powder, salt and castor sugar over and beat for 1 minute until mixed well. Divide the cake mixture between 6 bowls and colour each a different colour with food colourings. Place in the prepared cake tins and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 minutes or until a cake tester inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Remove from the tin and allow to cool on a wire rack.
400 g soft white margarine or butter
10 cups sifted icing sugar
½ cup water
4 t vanilla essence or extract
Spray 6 cake tins with cooking spray or grease with melted butter. Place the margarine or butter, eggs, milk and vanilla in a large mixing bowl and beat until light. Sieve the flour, baking powder, salt and castor sugar over and beat for 1 minute until mixed well. Divide the cake mixture between 6 bowls and colour each a different colour with food colourings. Place in the prepared cake tins and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 minutes or until a cake tester inserted into the middle of the cake comes out clean. Remove from the tin and allow to cool on a wire rack.
For the icing, beat the margarine or butter until creamy. Sieve the icing sugar in spoon by spoon while beating. As the mixture gets stiff, add a few drops of water until the icing is creamy. Add the vanilla and beat well.
Cut the cakes so that they are of equal height and sandwich together with the icing. Cover the cake with the icing and decorate as desired*.
TIP: Use the same recipe to make cupcakes by pouring the mixture into cupcake cases and baking for 15 minutes.
TIP: Use the same recipe to make cupcakes by pouring the mixture into cupcake cases and baking for 15 minutes.
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