
Monday, March 14, 2011

Pavlova (meringuenessies)

(Maak 12)

4 eierwitte
1 ml sout
1 ml kremetart
1 k strooisuiker
100 ml vars room, geklop
vars vrugte

Voorverhit die oond by 120ºC. Berei bakplaat soos volg voor: knip bakpapier die grootte van die bakplaat en merk sirkels met deursnee van verlangde meringuenessies daarop. Plaas mengbak op vadoek vir stabiliteit en klits die eierwitte tot skuimerig. Voeg sout en kremetart by. Klits tot stywepuntstadium. Voeg 4 eetlepels suiker by en klits goed, tot die suiker opgelos is. Hou aan met bogenoemde proses totdat ¾ van die suiker bygevoeg is. Die mengsel met styf en blink wees. Vou oorblywende suiker liggies met ʼn metaal lepel in. Skep die meringue in ʼn spuitsak met ʼn ronde metaalpunt. Spuit spiraalvormige basisse en vorm die rand met 3 lae meringuesirkels. Plaas ongeveer 1 uur in die oond tot droog. Laat goed afkoel. Vul die nessies met geklopte room en vars vrugte.

WENK: ʼn koperbak sal ʼn soortgelyke stabiliserende reaksie hê as die kremetart. Indien jy ‘n koperbak gebruik, los die kremetart uit die resep. 

Paul and Dieter competed against each other to see who can make the best pavlova. This is a recipe from chef and lecturer, Carol Weideman from the Institute of Culinary Arts near Stellenbosch.

(Makes 12)

4 egg whites
1 ml salt
1 ml cream of tartar
1 c castor sugar
100 ml fresh cream
fresh fruit

Preheat the oven to 120ºC. Prepare a baking sheet by cutting baking paper to fit the size of the baking sheet and mark it with circles. Place the mixing bowl on a kitchen towel to stabilize it and whisk the egg whites until foamy. Add the salt and cream of tartar and whip until stiff peak stage. Add 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar and whisk well until the sugar is dissolved. Carry on adding the sugar until ¾ of it has been added. Fold the rest in with a metal spoon. Spoon the meringue into a piping bag with a round metal nozzle and pipe spiral circles on the baking sheet with 3 layers of meringue around the edges to form a nest. Place in the oven and bake for about 1 hour. Leave to cool before filling with whipped cream and fruit. 

TIP: A copper bowl will stabilize the mixture in the same way as the cream of tartar. So if using a copper bowl, leave out the cream of tartar. 

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